Jive Virtual Speaker/Discussion Format

(this page last updated on 2025-01-22 2:54 am )

General Notes (not to be read at meeting:

  • This format has been adapted from the 4/5/2019 version of the regular meeting format. The changes in support of meeting via the Zoom app have been approved by the group conscience but reflect some recent experience in hosting potentially large meetings.
  • Preparation: We have entrusted you with the responsibility of chairing our discussion meeting. As the chair, you will influence the character and content of this meeting. Our meeting wishes to address clear and simple topics related to recovery from alcoholism within the program and fellowship of alcoholics anonymous.
  • Pick a topic for the discussion portion of the meeting before starting (suggestions can be found below).
  • This meeting follows a very rigid format. By request of the Group Conscience, please adhere strictly to this written format. Please, simply read what is written. If you have a suggestion for format changes (including wording) please bring them to the monthly business meeting/group conscience.
  • Before the meeting (by around 7:15), log into the Zoom host account or, if someone else is logging in on that account, please make sure that they are logged in (to start/host the meeting) and ask them to assign you as a co-host.
  • Designate someone to read, “How It Works” from Chapter 5
  • Make sure the speaker is online and check out their microphone to make sure they can be clearly heard.
  • During the meeting, be on the lookout for bombers and trolls. Feel free to kick them out and take control of the meeting again…

Begin the Meeting Promptly at 7:30pm

READ: My name is <name> and I am an Alcoholic. Welcome to the Saturday Night Jive Group Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Please be considerate of the group conscience and follow some regular guidelines which, for this meeting, include:

  • Please remain muted unless you’re talking
  • To get the attention of the chair, please raise your hand (virtually or wave at the camera)
  • Unless you’re paying attention to the meeting or giving feedback (clapping, waving, etc.), please turn your camera off
  • You can also get the chair’s attention by opening the Zoom chat window and sending a message.

Would you please join me for a moment of silence for the alcoholic who still suffers, followed by the “Serenity Prayer”

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

READ: The AA Preamble: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.


  • Is there anyone here new to AA, or in their first 30-Days of sobriety? If so, would you please raise your hand (and un-mute) and tell us your first name only, so that we may get to know you better?
  • Is there anyone here new to this meeting who did not just introduce themselves? Please raise your hand (and un-mute) and let us know where you are from.


I’ve asked <name> to read “How It Works”, from Chapter 5 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

<Reading of How It Works>

READ: The format of this meeting is to take a few minutes at the start for announcements and brief reports from our group’s trusted servants. Then we will have a speaker share for about 30 minutes. Finally, we will have a discussion meeting which I will kick off and will last until approximately 8:30.

The AA 7th Tradition, states that “Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”  There is a link for contributions near the bottom of our group’s web page at: https://thejive.org. Donations can be made there by card, you can donate on Venmo at @thejive, or you can make arrangements for other forms of payment from the website.


  • Treasurer
  • GSR (Group Service Representative)
  • Intergroup Representative-
  • Group Secretary
  • Literature and Grapevine Representative

READ: Are there any brief announcements for the good of AA?

Announcements – Please be ready to cut off long and/or non-AA announcements.

READ:  Now, please welcome tonights speaker <name>.

  • Watch the screen for potential trolls or disruptions.
  • Turn off people’s camera if they’re disruptive or disrespectful.
  • If the speaker is nearing 20 minutes of talking and are not wrapping up, send them a chat message that their time is nearly done…

READ:Thank you <name>.

For our discussion meeting tonight, this is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. This means that anyone is welcome to attend this meeting. However, we ask that discussion remain focused on recovery from alcoholism out of respect for Alcoholics Anonymous and because our traditions remind us that we have one purpose as a group: to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. We also ask that only those persons with a desire to stop drinking share at this meeting.

The topic tonight is ……… …from the book Alcoholics Anonymous.

While the discussion is progressing

  1. As people raise their hands, acknowledge them in the chat and, as much as possible, call on them in the order they seem to come in. Make sure when you call on them that they are un-muted (as host or co-host, you can click on their microphone to accomplish that).
  2. If there is a lull of more than a few seconds, call on someone and ask if they’d like to share.
  3. Try to keep order and the general noise level as low as possible by muting and/or turning the cameras off of those who are distracting.
  4. At about 8:20-8:25, remind people of the time.
  5. As chair, since this is a virtual gathering, it’s somewhat your call whether to allow discussion to continue past 8:30. If it seems like there’s a sentiment for prolonging the meeting, suggest that we close with a prayer and that some folks might prefer to remain and talk.

At roughly 8:30pm:

Thanks for coming to our meeting. If you have questions that didn’t get answered or wish to speak one on one to members, some of us stay after the meeting.

Now is a good time to find a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who works the AA program and can explain and guide you. Will those who are available to sponsor please raise their hands?  (you can see raised hands in the participants pane of Zoom) Message one or more of those folks in Zoom and you can set something up to be in contact after our meeting.

Let’s close the meeting with a moment of silence followed by the <prayer of your choice>.


  • What is an AA Program?
  • How do I know if I’m an alcoholic?
  • What do we mean by “powerless over alcohol”?
  • What do we mean by “old ideas”; what are some old ideas?
  • What do we mean by sober? Is it just not drinking?
  • Do I have to have a higher power?
  • What’s a surrender?
  • When we say “if you want what we have and are will to go to any length to get it” what is it that we have? (Sanity regained, emotional sobriety, a principled life, etc.)
  • What is alcoholic insanity?
  • Why do I need a sponsor? Can’t I read the book and do the steps by myself?
  • What’s a home group and why do I need one?
  • Why should I get a service commitment?
  • What’s anonymity and why is it important?